
What is depression?

While many of us are aware of some of the symptoms of depression - lasting sadness, bouts of crying, and feeling alone or isolated, there are others that are less common. Feeling like you have a lack of motivation, low energy, fatigue, fluctuations in your weight, and a loss of interest in activities you typically enjoy can also be symptoms of depression. While in the past depression was highly stigmatized, today it is something more and more people are becoming open about and sharing their experience. Depression can happen to anyone, and it can feel like an incredibly lonely experience, but it does not have to stay this way.

How we can help

At Conscious, we want you to know you are not alone, and that we can help. While we use evidence-based treatment methods, we also take a holistic look at factors that could be contributing to your sense of feeling depressed.

Depression can look different in females compared to males, and children and youth compared to adults. We want to help develop a sense of understanding and awareness around your specific experience of depression so that we can also target any complicating factors.

Doing so helps us to create an effective treatment plan to help reduce these symptoms to a place where you can begin to enjoy your life again. Start your journey towards wellness, book a free consultation to find out how to get started.