
It has become more widely accepted that trauma something that needs to be taken seriously. This has allowed for necessary discourse, de-stigmatization, and healing. Let’s first clarify what trauma is. In essence, trauma is any event or circumstance that has left a negative and enduring impact on you that interferes with your everyday life.

The symptoms of trauma are many, but include things like feeling irritable, on edge, having sleep difficulties, being startled easily, constant fear or dread, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, and even feeling physically unwell. If you or someone you know is struggling with these or other symptoms of trauma, they are not alone. We are here to help.

How we can help

Our therapists are trained in using evidence-based trauma treatment practices such as IFS (Internal Family Systems), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), and interpersonal neurobiological approaches. As a first step, our therapists will work with you to develop a sense of safety and trust in the therapeutic relationship. Without this foundation, even the most specialized trauma treatment will be ineffective. As the client, you get to determine the pace of the work that we do and the direction we use. While our approach to treatment and healing is holistic, taking into account the social, emotional, physical, mental, cultural, and physical dimensions of a person, you as the client have a say in where we begin and where we end. You will be treated with dignity and respect, informed and empowered throughout the course of your treatment with us. If you would like to see if we are a good fit for you, please contact us to book a free consultation.