Many first-time clients wonder what to expect when they come to counselling for the first time. We hope to ease any anxiety about coming to counselling and aim to answer a few common questions here:

  • In your first session, we will discuss the counselling process and ensure you understand your rights as a client. This is also when we begin to get to know and understand who you are and the context you are coming from. To do this we have a thorough intake questionnaire that will be adapted based on your needs. Together, we will begin to define your counselling goals. At any point along your counselling journey, you are free to ask any questions you may have. We offer a free 15-minute phone consultation for new clients. To book, visit our booking site or contact us.

  • The number of counselling sessions depends on the nature of the concern(s), the rate of progress, level of client commitment, financial ability, and personal goals. This is something that will be discussed with your therapist and together you will decide what works best for you as you achieve your goals.

  • Guiding our work is the belief that all of us are spiritual beings, meaning, we are more than just skin and bones. We incorporate spirituality as part of our assessment process by asking how that aspect may fit into your life, if it does. Those on our team with a faith perspective are prepared to discuss issues of faith and spirituality if that becomes important to the client or the issues presented. In no way do we impose our belief system on our clients, nor do we expect all clients to have a faith they actively participate in. We welcome you no matter where you come from or what you believe.

  • Our belief is that consideration of one’s experience of ethnicity and cultural history is necessary in order to achieve psychological health and wellness. Our understanding of who we are is developed in part by our experience of skin color, traditions, and culturally significant events. When we have the opportunity to explore and understand how these aspects have impacted our self identity, space is created for healing and empowerment.

  • To begin, visit our booking site here, or feel free to contact us.